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Generic medicines

Generic medicines are copies of original, branded medicines. They can be manufactured and sold after the protection on an original product expires. They have the same form and active...

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Interview with Tetiana Zamorska

Transcription My name is Tetiana Zamorska, I’m coming from Ukraine. I live in the capitol of Ukraine, Kiev. My son was born with a rare skin disorder called,...

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The predictive value of non-clinical testing

Data from non-clinical trials is important as a predictor and decision-making tool in the medicines development process. Adequate and satisfactory non-clinical results are required before a medicine may be...

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Phase I Trials

Phase I trials are usually the first studies of a medicine conducted in humans – known as ‘first-in-human’ (also known as first-in-man) trials. They are typically human pharmacology studiest,...

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Patients Involved – Patient Input Forum

Introduction A Patient Input Forum organised by Merck & Co to expose the company’s workforce to patients and caregivers and hear their perspective on living with Alzheimer’s disease. Where...

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Patients Involved – Psoriasis

Introduction Collaboration between patients and a Psoriasis Association representative with the ‘Focus on the Patient’ division from GSK, to understand the impact of psoriasis on the lives of patients,...

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