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Trial medicine: from production to participants

During clinical development the manufacturing and distribution facilities available may not be suitable for a trial medicine (investigational medicinal product (IMP)), however, IMPs must be manufactured, stored and distributed...

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Clinical trial designs

There are several types of clinical trial designs: randomised or non-randomised controlled trials, single or double blinded trials, and superiority or non-inferiority trials.

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Bioavailability and bioequivalence

Bioavailability is the fraction (percentage) of an administered dose of unchanged drug that reaches the blood stream (systemic circulation). Bioavailability varies between different pharmaceutical ingredients and mode of administration.

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Clinical trials in small populations

Small populations present ethical and practical challenges to organising clinical trials. Small populations include groups with rare diseases or specific sub-types of common diseases, children, and the elderly.

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Nanoparticles are tiny objects, available only as intravenous formulations, that help medicines get to difficult-to-reach cells and tissue. They can also help protect molecules and control the targeted release...

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