Mini-course starter kit- Ethics Committee

Last update: 12 December 2016

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This EUPATI Mini-course starter kit is designed for patient involvement in ethics committees.

EUPATI Mini-course starter kits have been derived from content found in the EUPATI toolbox and EUPATI Patient Expert Training Course. The starter kits are thought to address roles that patients play in medicines development for example those shown in the figure below.

The starter kits provide you with links to relevant background reading in the toolbox and associated PowerPoint slide decks and media in order to prepare a single or multi-day training on the subject. Each of the starter kits contains a selection of PPT slides which you may use to educate patients/advocates about the “basics” in that area, e.g. in a two-hour to one-day seminar.

The starter kits are based on existing content from the EUPATI Toolbox, plus additional links to add-on Toolbox material. None of the “starter kits” are “ready-made course” modules – they are a ready-to-reuse resource for an experienced trainer to prepare and execute a course. You will need to edit them and put them into context.

Before you begin please download and review the ‘Manual for Trainers’: A manual for trainers describing how to use the EUPATI mini-course starter kits to create trainings on patient involvement.

Ethics Committee

This starter kit provides background reading, slides, quizzes, a video, and an exercise to create training for patients who intend to become involved in Ethics Committees.

Core reading

Introduction to clinical research

Ethics in human medical research

Research Ethics Committees

Compensation in clinical trials

Clinical trials in small populations

Participants‘ rights, responsibilities, organisations

Clinical Trial Approval in Europe

EUPATI Guidance for patient involvement in ethical review of clinical trials (coming soon)


Developing medicines for children


How to run a mock ethics panel training (coming soon)


Approval process of clinical trials in Europe (coming soon)

Additional Learning Resources

Are you ready to elevate your expertise with certifications in areas like Clinical Development, Medicine Discovery, and HTA Evaluation?

Explore the links below to access the EUPATI Open Classroom, choose the courses that match your interests, and embark on your learning adventure today!

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