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How Vaccines Work

How vaccines were invented? Why vaccines are important? Find out more about the history of vaccines, how they work and more information on the topic.

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Types of Vaccines

[glossary_exclude]There are vaccines to prevent infectious diseases caused by bacteria (such as pertussis, pneumococcal), viruses (such as measles, mumps, rubella,…

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Inclusion & Diversity in Clinical Trials

Authors: Oyiza Momoh, Susan W. Burriss, Anya Harry, Kay Warner The importance of inclusion and diversity in clinical trials   It is important that people participating in clinical trials...

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Translational medicine

1. Introduction Translational medicine also referred to as translational science or translational research, is defined[¹] as an area of biomedical research that aims to improve human health and longevity...

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Personalised medicine

Stratified and personalised medicine involves tailoring treatments towards a specific group of patients or to individuals.

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