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Showing 17 results for "pharmacology"

Key principles of pharmacology

Pharmacology is the study of how a medicine works, how the body responds to it, and the changes that occur over time. There are two key areas of pharmacology:...

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Translational medicine

1. Introduction Translational medicine also referred to as translational science or translational research, is defined[¹] as an area of biomedical research that aims to improve human health and longevity...

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Investigator’s Brochure

The Investigator's Brochure is a compilation of non-clinical and clinical data relevant to the study of the medicine in humans – it is the single most comprehensive document summarising...

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Basics of Early Clinical Development

Early Clinical Development refers generally to the first studies of a medicine in humans – typically known as Phase I and Phase II trials. Studies in early clinical development...

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Phase I Trials

Phase I trials are usually the first studies of a medicine conducted in humans – known as ‘first-in-human’ (also known as first-in-man) trials. They are typically human pharmacology studiest,...

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Animal models

The animal models used in non-clinical trials are carefully selected, taking various factors into consideration.

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The predictive value of non-clinical testing

Data from non-clinical trials is important as a predictor and decision-making tool in the medicines development process. Adequate and satisfactory non-clinical results are required before a medicine may be...

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