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Patients Involved – Using user research

Introduction Novo-Nordisk, a pharmaceutical company, does user research with patients to enhance understanding of patients and to develop products that meet users’ needs. Where in the process? – Phase...

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Interview with Virginie Hivert

Transcription So my name is Virginie Hivert, I’m working for EURORDIS, the European organisation for rare disease patients. I’m the Therapeutic Development Director, and so I’m a patient...

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Patients Involved – DevelopAKUre for AKU

Introduction An example of public-private partnership from diverse international groups in industry (Sobi), patient organisations (AKU Society and ALCAP), hospitals (Royal Liverpool, Hospital Necker, and National Institute of Rheumatic...

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Webinar: Registries

Note: This webinar took place on 8 February 2018. You can find a video recording and the presentations used during the webinar below. Webinar introduction A patient registry is an organised...

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Risk communication in medicines

Risk communication is a two-way exchange of information on the risks and benefits of a medicine. Patients, companies, and health authorities all have important roles to play in risk...

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General toxicity studies

Non-clinical toxicity studies investigate the safety profile of a medicine. Candidate compounds must undergo many different toxicity studies before they are first administered in clinical trials or receive marketing...

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