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Patients Involved – An ultra orphan disease

Introduction A collaboration of Genzyme, International Pompe Association (IPA); UK, Dutch, and US Pompe patient organisations, Erasmus Medical Center and Duke University to establish appropriate measures to ensure the...

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Vaccines are biological preparations developed from modified versions of the micro-organisms that cause a disease. Vaccines improve or convey immunity to particular diseases, usually in an effort to prevent...

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Discovery and development of medicines

Once a target receptor molecule or an enzyme has been identified, scientists begin to look for potential compounds that will interact with the target to correct disease-related activity.These molecules...

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Compassionate use

What is compassionate use? The term ‘compassionate use’ refers to special programmes set up to make unauthorised medicines available to patients. In particular, this may be a way of...

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Interview with Karen Facey

Transcription My name is Karen Facey. I am a statistician by training. I’ve worked in drug development, medicines regulation and health technology assessment. Since being involved in health...

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