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Biomarkers are indicators used in medical research to measure biological processes, disease processes, and responses to treatment. The use of biomarkers can improve the process of medicines development and...

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Information on medicinal products

Information on medicinal products is provided to patients and healthcare providers in different, carefully regulated ways – including package labelling, package leaflets, and the Summary of Product Characteristics.

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EudraVigilance is an EU web-based information system, designed to manage safety report data created by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) containing adverse reaction reports (ADRs) for medicines authorised in...

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Marketing authorisation

Before a medicinal product can be marketed and sold, a marketing authorisation must be obtained from the relevent National Competent Authorities. The marketing authorisation application process can take one...

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Epidemiology is the study of the various factors influencing the occurrence, distribution, or prevention and control of disease, injury, and other health-related events in a defined human population.

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Off-label use

Off-label use of a medicine is the use of an authorised medicine by a healthcare professional to treat a patient in a way not covered by the Marketing Authorisation...

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