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Activist, disrupter, advocate

Part of a different era, activist or patient advocate? I started in patient advocacy in 1991. We didn’t call it patient advocacy back then. We got buckets of glue...

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Patients Involved – Melanoma board

Introduction Expert melanoma nurses and advocacy group experts held a Melanoma board meeting to explore perceptions about novel treatments and scientific developments in the management of melanoma. Description of...

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Patients Involved – HIV R&D Collaboration

Introduction An R&D collaboration between the European AIDS Treatment Group, European Liver Patients Association, Treatment Action Group, and Janssen R&D. Description of the case Patients were involved as follows:...

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Patients Involved – Patient medication labeling (USA)

Introduction Collaboration between patient advocates with academic institutions (Northwestern University and Emory University) and a pharmaceutical company Merck (Health Literacy and Healthcare Disparities Strategy group) to obtain a simplified...

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