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Identification of Patient Representatives

Patient engagement in medicines development: Recommendations on how to find the right match for the right patient engagement activity. Background/Rationale for the document During the analysis of existing practices...

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How Vaccines Work

How vaccines were invented? Why vaccines are important? Find out more about the history of vaccines, how they work and more information on the topic.

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Interview with Virginie Hivert

Transcription So my name is Virginie Hivert, I’m working for EURORDIS, the European organisation for rare disease patients. I’m the Therapeutic Development Director, and so I’m a patient...

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Nanoparticles are tiny objects, available only as intravenous formulations, that help medicines get to difficult-to-reach cells and tissue. They can also help protect molecules and control the targeted release...

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Interview with Pauline Kitchiner

Transcription My name is Pauline Kitchiner, and I work at GSK’s Clinical Unit in Cambridge. Which is a purpose built clinical unit to conduct phase one or phase...

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Inclusion & Diversity in Clinical Trials

Authors: Oyiza Momoh, Susan W. Burriss, Anya Harry, Kay Warner The importance of inclusion and diversity in clinical trials   It is important that people participating in clinical trials...

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