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Trial medicine: from production to participants

During clinical development the manufacturing and distribution facilities available may not be suitable for a trial medicine (investigational medicinal product (IMP)), however, IMPs must be manufactured, stored and distributed...

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Patients Involved – Patient Input Forum

Introduction A Patient Input Forum organised by Merck & Co to expose the company’s workforce to patients and caregivers and hear their perspective on living with Alzheimer’s disease. Where...

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Patients Involved – Psoriasis

Introduction Collaboration between patients and a Psoriasis Association representative with the ‘Focus on the Patient’ division from GSK, to understand the impact of psoriasis on the lives of patients,...

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Interview with Dimitrios Athanasiou

Transcription My name is Dimitrios Athanasiou. I am a parent of a child with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. I am a full-time patient advocate for Duchenne and rare diseases,...

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Information on medicinal products

Information on medicinal products is provided to patients and healthcare providers in different, carefully regulated ways – including package labelling, package leaflets, and the Summary of Product Characteristics.

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