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Patients Involved – Ovarian Cancer

Introduction An example of patient involvement looking at a case report on Phase III patient involvement in an advisory board comprising six expert GYN oncology nurses from across Europe...

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Tools and resources for HTA bodies

Patient Engagement in Early Dialogues: Tools and resources for HTA bodies Background/Rationale Early Dialogues with regulators and health technology assessment (HTA) bodies are a well-established processes in which medicines...

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Interview with Dimitrios Athanasiou

Transcription My name is Dimitrios Athanasiou. I am a parent of a child with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. I am a full-time patient advocate for Duchenne and rare diseases,...

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Interview with François Houÿez

Transcription I’m François. I’m 51. I work for the European organisation for rare disease EURORDIS, where my main role is to help patients navigating through the different procedures for...

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Research Ethics Committees (REC)

Research Ethics Committees (RECs) evaluate the ethical acceptability of research before participants can be enrolled in a study. RECs are highly regulated, neutral bodies which operate according to standard...

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