
AJAX progress indicator
  • MRIMagnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Magnetic Resonance ImagingMagnetic Resonance Imaging
  • MalignantA tumour is malignant if it is able to invade tissue other than where it originally grew (the primary site). Malignant tumours may spread (metastasise) to nearby tissues, or via the blood stream to other parts of the body quite distant from the primary site. New tumours can then form at those(...)
  • Malta Medicines AuthorityMaltese National Competent Authority."
  • MMAMaltese National Competent Authority."
  • Market exclusivityThe 10-year period after the marketing authorisation of an orphan medicine, during which similar medicines for the same indication cannot be placed on the market. Market exclusivity should not be confused with market protection or data exclusivity, market exclusivity refers only to orphan(...)
  • MAMarketing authorisation (MA) refers to the approval for a medicine to be marketed.A system of marketing authorisation was put in place to protect public health. Marketing authorisations are granted only when a competent authority (or ‘regulatory authority’) has conducted a scientific(...)
  • Marketing AuthorisationMarketing authorisation (MA) refers to the approval for a medicine to be marketed.A system of marketing authorisation was put in place to protect public health. Marketing authorisations are granted only when a competent authority (or ‘regulatory authority’) has conducted a scientific(...)
  • MAAMarketing Authorisation Application
  • Marketing Authorisation Application

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