
AJAX progress indicator
  • Paediatric Use Marketing AuthorisationPaediatric Use Marketing Authorisation
  • PUMAPaediatric Use Marketing Authorisation
  • Pan American Health OrganisationPan American Health Organisation (PAHO) "
  • PAHOPan American Health Organisation (PAHO) "
  • PandemicAn outbreak of a disease affecting a large proportion of a population and occurring over a wide geographic area.
  • ParenteralMedicines administered via any route other than the gastrointestinal tract (oesophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines). The most frequent are subcutaneous, intravenous and intramuscular injections, but medicines that are topically administered to the eye, ear, and skin or even(...)
  • Passive SurveillancePassive surveillance is the use of local healthcare services to collect data on disease incidence or adverse effects of medicines. It relies on staff and services, who are part of a reporting network, collecting data and generating reports. There is no active search for cases. For example,(...)
  • PathogenA bacterium, virus, or other micro-organism that can cause disease.
  • Patient Information LeafletPatient Information Leaflet
  • PILPatient Information Leaflet

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