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Identification of Patient Representatives

Patient engagement in medicines development: Recommendations on how to find the right match for the right patient engagement activity. Background/Rationale for the document During the analysis of existing practices...

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How Vaccines Work

How vaccines were invented? Why vaccines are important? Find out more about the history of vaccines, how they work and more information on the topic.

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Principles of risk management

Risk management is important in medicines development and pharmacovigilance in order to avoid crisis situations and harmful consequences. There are various kinds of risk; risk management strategies must assess...

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Stratified versus personalised medicine

The term 'personalised medicine' includes both stratification and personalisation, which are often incorrectly used as synonyms. However, the two are different, as explained further below.

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Phase I Trials

Phase I trials are usually the first studies of a medicine conducted in humans – known as ‘first-in-human’ (also known as first-in-man) trials. They are typically human pharmacology studiest,...

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