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Patients Involved – Duchenne Parent Project

Introduction Development of a cure/treatment for Duchenne, by the Duchenne Parent Project in collaboration with Leiden University and Prosensa (Biotech partner) – GSK. Description of the case Development of...

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Interview with Tamás Bereczky

Transcription My name is Tamás Bereczky, I come from Budapest, Hungary. I have been working with EUPATI as a patient representative or the representative of a patient organisation,...

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Medical devices

Medical devices are articles or instruments used in disease prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Medical devices range in form and function, ranging for instance from inhalers to pacemakers to magnetic...

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Clinical trials in small populations

Small populations present ethical and practical challenges to organising clinical trials. Small populations include groups with rare diseases or specific sub-types of common diseases, children, and the elderly.

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Patients Involved – Clinical trial design

Introduction An example of patients involved through patients and patient organisations providing inputinto a Cushing’s disease clinical trial design. The consultation took place between Novartisand nurses from different teams (USA, Canada,...

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