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Interview with François Houÿez

Transcription I’m François. I’m 51. I work for the European organisation for rare disease EURORDIS, where my main role is to help patients navigating through the different procedures for...

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Patients Involved – An ultra orphan disease

Introduction A collaboration of Genzyme, International Pompe Association (IPA); UK, Dutch, and US Pompe patient organisations, Erasmus Medical Center and Duke University to establish appropriate measures to ensure the...

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Interview with Karen Facey

Transcription My name is Karen Facey. I am a statistician by training. I’ve worked in drug development, medicines regulation and health technology assessment. Since being involved in health...

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Activist, disrupter, advocate

Part of a different era, activist or patient advocate? I started in patient advocacy in 1991. We didn’t call it patient advocacy back then. We got buckets of glue...

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