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Gene therapy

Gene therapy is a way of restoring the function in cells where genes are missing or not working properly. It is a highly experimental technique, but has shown promise...

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Herbal medicine

Herbal medicines are based on extracts from plants or parts of plants that have healing properties. They have been used for hundreds of years and can be seen as...

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Nanoparticles are tiny objects, available only as intravenous formulations, that help medicines get to difficult-to-reach cells and tissue. They can also help protect molecules and control the targeted release...

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Medical devices

Medical devices are articles or instruments used in disease prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Medical devices range in form and function, ranging for instance from inhalers to pacemakers to magnetic...

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Risk factors in health and disease

Risk factors are those factors linked to poor health, disability, disease, or death. Generally, risk factors can be classified as behavioural, physiological, demographic, environmental, or genetic. Reducing exposure to...

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Efficacy and safety of medicines

Medicines must balance efficacy and safety, benefits and risks. The efficacy and safety of a medicinal product are tested thoroughly during its development, and carefully monitored after the product...

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Statistics in clinical trials: Bias

There are several kinds of bias that may occur in clinical trials, including selection, measurement, and publication bias. Statistics are used in clinical trials in order to avoid or...

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Bioavailability and bioequivalence

Bioavailability is the fraction (percentage) of an administered dose of unchanged drug that reaches the blood stream (systemic circulation). Bioavailability varies between different pharmaceutical ingredients and mode of administration.

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