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Marketing Authorisation Applications

The medicines development process' ultimate goal is an approval for marketing the new medicinal product – a Marketing Authorisation. This should be an integral part of all steps throughout...

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Interaction of Patients, Regulators & Industry

The processes of patient involvement in industry medicines research and development have evolved, but the evolution of frameworks, mechanisms, metrics and processes happens individually without much alignment and sharing.

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Clinical Trial Approval in Europe

To obtain clinical trial approval, a Clinical Trial Application must be submitted to regulatory bodies and a Research Ethics Committee who review the protocol and gives a positive or...

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Medicine adherence

Medicine adherence (also known as ‘patient adherence’ or ‘compliance’) is how well patients follow doctors’ instructions about the timing, frequency, and dosage when taking a medicine.

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Trial medicine: from production to participants

During clinical development the manufacturing and distribution facilities available may not be suitable for a trial medicine (investigational medicinal product (IMP)), however, IMPs must be manufactured, stored and distributed...

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Safety communication

Safety communication is put in place to communicate adverse reactions or any safety findings to regulators, healthcare providers and patients. Safety communications are provided by marketing authorisation holders and...

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