
AJAX progress indicator
  • PrevalencePrevalence is the proportion of a population found to have a condition (typically a disease or a risk factor such as smoking). It is calculated by comparing the number of people found to have the condition with the total number of people studied, and is usually expressed as a fraction (for(...)
  • ProbabilityProbability is the measure of the likelihood that a particular event will occur.Probability is quantified as a number between 0 and 1 (where 0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty). The higher the probability of an event, the more certain we are that the event will occur. A simple(...)
  • Proof of ConceptA proof of concept (POC) trial is one type of trial carried out early in the clinical development phase of a medicine (in humans). Phase II trials usually begin with a proof of concept trial, which aims to show that the medicine interacts with its intended target and affects the disease in question.
  • POCA proof of concept (POC) trial is one type of trial carried out early in the clinical development phase of a medicine (in humans). Phase II trials usually begin with a proof of concept trial, which aims to show that the medicine interacts with its intended target and affects the disease in question.
  • Proof of MechanismA proof of mechanism (POM) study is normally done within Phase I Clinical Development in healthy volunteers. Such studies are designed to show that a new medicine reaches its target organ(s), interacts with its molecular target, and affects the biology of the target cells as intended.
  • POMA proof of mechanism (POM) study is normally done within Phase I Clinical Development in healthy volunteers. Such studies are designed to show that a new medicine reaches its target organ(s), interacts with its molecular target, and affects the biology of the target cells as intended.
  • Prophylactic vaccinePreventative (prophylactic) vaccines are substances that prepare the immune system to fight pathogens and provide immunity to a disease.
  • ProportionA part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole, expressed as a fraction (ratio) or percentage. For example, in epidemiology, the number of people who have a disease compared with the total number of people studied.
  • Prospective Cohort StudyIn a prospective cohort study, groups of people are identified before they show any signs of disease and are followed up over time. Alternatively, in retrospective cohort studies, data is used that has already been collected (possibly over a long period of time) for other purposes.Cohort(...)
  • Prospective meta-analysisA prospective meta-analysis uses only trials that have been identified and selected before their results are known. This avoids some of the problems of meta-analyses. Usually, meta-analyses are performed when individual trials have finished. However, collecting studies after their(...)

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