
AJAX progress indicator
  • MicrogramMicrogram (μg) is a metric system unit of mass. A µg is equal to one millionth (1×10−6) of a gram. Micrograms are typically used in a laboratory setting in early medicines development, or when measuring the concentration of a medicine in the blood.
  • μgMicrogram (μg) is a metric system unit of mass. A µg is equal to one millionth (1×10−6) of a gram. Micrograms are typically used in a laboratory setting in early medicines development, or when measuring the concentration of a medicine in the blood.
  • Minimal Anticipated Biological Effect LevelThe Minimal Anticipated Biological Effect Level (MABEL) is the anticipated dose needed to result in a biological effect in participants of a clinical trial. It is a safety window based on pharmacological threshold. The minimal anticipated biological effect level is recommended as a useful(...)
  • MABELThe Minimal Anticipated Biological Effect Level (MABEL) is the anticipated dose needed to result in a biological effect in participants of a clinical trial. It is a safety window based on pharmacological threshold. The minimal anticipated biological effect level is recommended as a useful(...)
  • Ministry of Health – Department of Pharmaceutical ServicesCypriot National Competent Authority."
  • MOHCypriot National Competent Authority."
  • Ministry of Health, Labour and WelfareJapanese Health Ministry."
  • MHLWJapanese Health Ministry."
  • MisconductScientific misconduct is unethical behaviour or the failure to follow established guidelines (such as Good Clinical Practice) in scientific research.Misconduct includes making things up, changing or lying about research, or copying the work of others (plagiarism). It also includes the failure(...)
  • Molecular biomarkerA biological marker, or biomarker, is something that can be measured, which points to the presence of a disease, a physiological change, response to a treatment, or a psychological condition.A molecular biomarker is a molecule that can be used in this way; for example, glucose levels are used(...)

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