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Conflict of Interest

Raising Awareness on Managing Competing Interests in a Multi-Stakeholder Environment: Guidance to Patients and Engaging Stakeholders – download the guidance below Background/Rationale for the document Managing competing interests and...

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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for all stakeholders involved in patient engagement activities within medicines development. Background/Rationale There is no European or international legislation defining the rules for patient engagement in...

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Community Advisory Boards

Working with Community Advisory Boards: Guidance and tools for patient communities and pharmaceutical companies Background/Rationale for the document Community Advisory Boards (CABs) can improve research by providing direct and...

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Tools and resources for HTA bodies

Patient Engagement in Early Dialogues: Tools and resources for HTA bodies Background/Rationale Early Dialogues with regulators and health technology assessment (HTA) bodies are a well-established processes in which medicines...

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Enhanced EUPATI Industry Guide

Enhancement of the EUPATI industry guidance Background/Rationale for the documents During the PARADIGM project further expansion of specific sections of the EUPATI Guidance for Patient Involvement in Medicines Research...

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Patient Engagement Agreements explained

For collaborations between the patient community and stakeholders in the health care system. 1. Introduction PARADIGM (Patients active in research and dialogues for an improved generation of medicines) was...

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Identification of Patient Representatives

Patient engagement in medicines development: Recommendations on how to find the right match for the right patient engagement activity. Background/Rationale for the document During the analysis of existing practices...

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