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Critical reading of clinical study results

When performing a critical reading of clinical study results, the reader should take relevant information into account from the best available sources and should consider questions about the reliability,...

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Off-label use

Off-label use of a medicine is the use of an authorised medicine by a healthcare professional to treat a patient in a way not covered by the Marketing Authorisation...

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Enrolling in clinical trials

The process of enrolling in clinical trials is carefully regulated, as is the way in which sponsors advertise clinical trials to prospective participants. Patients are screened and must give...

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Interview with Dimitrios Athanasiou

Transcription My name is Dimitrios Athanasiou. I am a parent of a child with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. I am a full-time patient advocate for Duchenne and rare diseases,...

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Patients Involved – Clinical trial design

An example of patients involved through patients and patient organisations providing input into a Cushing’s disease clinical trial design. The consultation took place between Novartis and nurses from different teams...

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