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Interview with Karen Facey

Transcription My name is Karen Facey. I am a statistician by training. I’ve worked in drug development, medicines regulation and health technology assessment. Since being involved in health...

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Bioavailability and bioequivalence

Bioavailability is the fraction (percentage) of an administered dose of unchanged drug that reaches the blood stream (systemic circulation). Bioavailability varies between different pharmaceutical ingredients and mode of administration.

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Interview with Claas Röhl

Transcription My name is Claas Röhl. I’m from Vienna, Austria. Two and a half years ago, I founded the patient organisation NF Kinder, and we fight for people who...

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Herbal medicine

Herbal medicines are based on extracts from plants or parts of plants that have healing properties. They have been used for hundreds of years and can be seen as...

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