The medicines development process' ultimate goal is an approval for marketing the new medicinal product – a Marketing Authorisation. This should be an integral part of all steps throughout...
Medicines regulation is the basis for ensuring that only medicines of a high quality are marketed. In Europe, the European Commission proposes high-level legislation in the form of regulations...
A medicine can be marketed in the European Union (EU) until the company has obtained a Marketing Authorisation (MA) for that medicine from the relevant regulatory authority. MAs are...
Before a medicinal product can be marketed and sold, a marketing authorisation must be obtained from the relevent National Competent Authorities. The marketing authorisation application process can take one...
After Phase III of clinical studies, all the information on a medicin is collected and organised in a pre-determiend format (a dossier), which is then submitted to the regulatory...
Life-cycle management activities begin as soon as a medicine receives authorisation from the regulatory authorities. Research on the medicine continues in order to gather additional data on safety and...