Tag - Treatment

Showing 8 results 

Introduction to Digital Health Applications

As  utilisation of digital technologies in healthcare systems is expanding, more and more data are being collected. Organisation and integration of the collected data from different sources, called data...

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Personalised medicine

Stratified and personalised medicine involves tailoring treatments towards a specific group of patients or to individuals.

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Medical devices

Medical devices are articles or instruments used in disease prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Medical devices range in form and function, ranging for instance from inhalers to pacemakers to magnetic...

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Gene therapy

Gene therapy is a way of restoring the function in cells where genes are missing or not working properly. It is a highly experimental technique, but has shown promise...

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Introduction to medicines

A medicine is commonly defined as a drug or preparation that can treat or prevent disease. Medicines must be delivered into the body, where they are then distributed to...

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Stratified versus personalised medicine

The term 'personalised medicine' includes both stratification and personalisation, which are often incorrectly used as synonyms. However, the two are different, as explained further below.

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