Category - Types of Medicines

Showing 12 results 

How Vaccines Work

How vaccines were invented? Why vaccines are important? Find out more about the history of vaccines, how they work and more information on the topic.

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Types of Vaccines

[glossary_exclude]There are vaccines to prevent infectious diseases caused by bacteria (such as pertussis, pneumococcal), viruses (such as measles, mumps, rubella,…

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Generic medicines

Generic medicines are copies of original, branded medicines. They can be manufactured and sold after the protection on an original product expires. They have the same form and active...

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Biosimilars are medicines that are designed to be similar to previously approved biologic medicines.

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Biologic medicines

Biologic medicines, or protein-based medicines such as insulin, are designed to interact with specific targets in the patient’s body. A more targeted mechanism of action should lead to a...

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Medical devices

Medical devices are articles or instruments used in disease prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Medical devices range in form and function, ranging for instance from inhalers to pacemakers to magnetic...

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Herbal medicine

Herbal medicines are based on extracts from plants or parts of plants that have healing properties. They have been used for hundreds of years and can be seen as...

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Nanoparticles are tiny objects, available only as intravenous formulations, that help medicines get to difficult-to-reach cells and tissue. They can also help protect molecules and control the targeted release...

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Introduction to medicines

A medicine is commonly defined as a drug or preparation that can treat or prevent disease. Medicines must be delivered into the body, where they are then distributed to...

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